Permalac EF

by Jody

Stacy can you tell me where you purchase Permalac EF? I live in Southwest Florida.

Stacy's Answer:

Hi Jody! I purchase the Permalac EF from a company called the Sculpture Depot. You will find in under Peacock labs-Permalac Lacquer. Here's the link: Permalac

I usually purchase the 8 oz. cans. I've found that here in Florida, the weather is usually too humid to use the spray without getting a cloudy finish. And, I don't want to spray this product indoors. I use a dip or brush-on application method and set the lacquer using a hot blow-dryer in a well-ventilated work space. Works great!

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Feb 16, 2012
by: Marlene

Can you use Permalac on viking knit jewelry? Also, should I use it on copper ear wires? I was wondering how if it would be okay because of the weave in the viking knit. Will it fill in the holes between the weave? If so, what else could I use? Thank you

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